Panzeria, or woolly motherwort

Perennial herbaceous plant, has a thick rhizome with a brownish-gray bark. The stems are covered with white felt. Leaves above with shortly appressed hairs, grayish-green, below – whitish-grayish felt, 2-4 cm wide. Flowers are sessile, located in multi-flowered whorls in the axils of the upper leaves, at the end of the stems they form dense ovoid or cylindrical inflorescences. The corolla is twice as long as the calyx, yellowish white, smooth on the outside and almost felty on the inside. The taste of the plant is bitter, the smell is weak. Blooms in July-August.

It grows in desert steppe valleys, on the banks of mountain rivers and on barren rocky, gravel slopes in the southern part of Central Siberia, in the southeast of Altai, in Transbaikalia.

In folk medicine, the plant’s herb is used. Panzeria is not poisonous, it dilates blood vessels and thereby lowers blood pressure, with all diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems it has a calming (sedative) effect and alleviates the phenomenon of atherosclerosis. As a pain reliever, it is used for rheumatism. As a diuretic in dropsy.


Decoction: 10 g per 200 ml; 1 st. spoon 3 times every day before meals.

Tincture: 25%; 30-40 drops 3 times every day before meals.

In terms of sedative action, panzeria is not inferior to motherwort, which is 3-4 times stronger than valerian; they are used in folk medicine for cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis, dropsy and as a calming agent for the central nervous system.

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