Goose perstach – goose cinquefoil



Bagatorichna rhizomatous grassy roslin of the motherland of pinks. The stem of the smut is short, with a rosette of basal leaves, from the sinuses of which emerge dovgi (15-40 cm of the plant) rooted in the knots of the head. Leaves are imparipinnate, short-petiolate, oval or similar; leaflets (їх 6-11 pairs) of species of femininous-ovate or feline-elliptic species, hylicopil parts, spondu sparse-shovkovist, green beast or sparsely hairy and siruvate. The cards are regular, two-sided, 1-2 cm in diameter, golden-yellow, solitary, on long flowers, which emerge from the basal rosette or from consonant pagons; sepals and sepals, 5 each. zav’yaz i sіm’yanki naked. Bloom from grass to sickle.

Width. The goose frog grows throughout the territory of Ukraine on the banks of rivers, in watery places on bows and especially on vypas.

Procurement and saving . For medical needs, vicarious herb (Herba Anserinae), rhizome (Rhizoma Anserinae) and sap fruit (Fructus Anserinae) are used. Grass is harvested at the hour of blossoming of the growth; rhizomes – in the spring, while they are not leafing, but in autumn, if the leaves are ziv’yane; fruits – autumns in the stage of full agility. Selected vicorist grass should be fresh (in the sight of juice) or dried, spreading in a thin ball near the veil on the stretch, or in a well-ventilated place. The rhizomes are forked from the earth, washed well with water, covered with rotten and ushkodzhenі parts, cleaned in the form of roots and after drying on the floor to dry on the mountains, under the chimney of chi in the warm room. Picked fruit when needed to dry. Ready syrovina is taken from boxes or in paper bags.

Roslin is unofficial .

Chemical warehouse . Rhizomes and grass cover 10-18% of tannins, significant amount of ascorbic acid (in leaves – 220-297, in rhizomes – up to 105.6 mg%); in rhizomes, in addition, triterpene saponin tormentol, quinine acid, barvniki and starch; in herbs – ethereal oliya (0.28%), astringent, flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin, delphinidine and cyanidin), p-coumaric, ferulic and elagic acid resins.

Pharmacological power and victory. In folk medicine, rejoicing with a fingered geese is even more popular. Vykoristovuyut yogo pain-moulding, astringent, blood-spinning “blood-purifying” power, building up diuresis, stimulating the vision of shlunk juice and chewing gum, regulating the functionality of the bowel and preventing constipation. Spasmolytic power of growing in the house is not only due to the knowledge of traditional medicine, but also confirmed by pharmacological evidence. It is characteristic that the weakening infusion of the product expands into the first line on the smooth mucus of the grass tract and uterus, and less so – on the vegetative paths and does not expand on the organs of the siechovivid system and the blood-bearing vessels. Particularly, the growth rate is those that are not necessary and the therapeutic effect persists after a successful treatment of the products. The stasis of products is indicated in case of a sudoma of a different nature and navit in right, with spasmodic mucosal pains, with diarrhea, which is accompanied by intestinal colic, with algomenorrhea and subinvolution of the uterus, with nirkovokam’yanіy and zhovno-stony ailments, with various internal, bleeding different migraines, bronchitis, angina pectoris and dysentery. There are no single thoughts about how many parts of the growth are. Most of the previous reports in those who know more about it are recommended to zastosovuvaty grass, vvazhayuchi products from rhizomes effective only in case of catarrh of the bowel and intestines, with viral diseases of the bowel, carry-overs, dysentery and internal bleeding. In case of severe uterine pains and in case of painful menstruation, the most effective way is to use infusion of fruits on milk in combination with a compress with infusion of herbs on the lower part of the abdomen. Nasty herbs on boiled goat’s milk are recommended by folk medicine as a strong sechoginny zasib, which does not tease nirok. Fresh sik from the goose’s finger in the sum with fresh juice of the sown sap live in case of liver ailments. Salads from a young leaf of the perstachu live like a dzherelo vitamin C i for the prevention of sudomi. For the majestic lure of vicory, use fresh sik and herbs to spread: wash the wounds with juice and rub lotions on rotten virazki; we infusion rinse your mouth with gingivitis and stomatitis, with bleeding is clear, cracks and cracks on the tongue, with pain in the teeth, to swell the mouth of the bath, washing and lotion with visips on the tongue. The grass of the gosling goose enters the warehouse of sumishes, from which they prepare likuval-prophylactic baths for children and grown-ups. It is recommended to young milkmen by folk medicine as a strong sechoginny zasib, which does not tease nirok. Fresh sik from the goose’s finger in the sum with fresh juice of the sown sap live in case of liver ailments. Salads from a young leaf of the perstachu live like a dzherelo vitamin C i for the prevention of sudomi. For the majestic lure of vicory, use fresh sik and herbs to spread: wash the wounds with juice and rub lotions on rotten virazki; we infusion rinse your mouth with gingivitis and stomatitis, with bleeding is clear, cracks and cracks on the tongue, with pain in the teeth, to swell the mouth of the bath, washing and lotion with visips on the tongue. The grass of the gosling goose enters the warehouse of sumishes, from which they prepare likuval-prophylactic baths for children and grown-ups. It is recommended to young milkmen by folk medicine as a strong sechoginny zasib, which does not tease nirok. Fresh sik from the goose’s finger in the sum with fresh juice of the sown sap live in case of liver ailments. Salads from a young leaf of the perstachu live like a dzherelo vitamin C i for the prevention of sudomi. For the majestic lure of vicory, use fresh sik and herbs to spread: wash the wounds with juice and rub lotions on rotten virazki; we infusion rinse your mouth with gingivitis and stomatitis, with bleeding is clear, cracks and cracks on the tongue, with pain in the teeth, to swell the mouth of the bath, washing and lotion with visips on the tongue. The grass of the gosling goose enters the warehouse of sumishes, from which they prepare likuval-prophylactic baths for children and grown-ups. Fresh sik from the goose’s finger in the sum with fresh juice of the sown sap live in case of liver ailments. Salads from a young leaf of the perstachu live like a dzherelo vitamin C i for the prevention of sudomi. For the majestic lure of vicory, use fresh sik and herbs to spread: wash the wounds with juice and rub lotions on rotten virazki; we infusion rinse your mouth with gingivitis and stomatitis, with bleeding is clear, cracks and cracks on the tongue, with pain in the teeth, to swell the mouth of the bath, washing and lotion with visips on the tongue. The grass of the gosling goose enters the warehouse of sumishes, from which they prepare likuval-prophylactic baths for children and grown-ups. Fresh sik from the goose’s finger in the sum with fresh juice of the sown sap live in case of liver ailments. Salads from a young leaf of the perstachu live like a dzherelo vitamin C i for the prevention of sudomi. For the majestic lure of vicory, use fresh sik and herbs to spread: wash the wounds with juice and rub lotions on rotten virazki; we infusion rinse your mouth with gingivitis and stomatitis, with bleeding is clear, cracks and cracks on the tongue, with pain in the teeth, to swell the mouth of the bath, washing and lotion with visips on the tongue. The grass of the gosling goose enters the warehouse of sumishes, from which they prepare likuval-prophylactic baths for children and grown-ups. Salads from a young leaf of the perstachu live like a dzherelo vitamin C i for the prevention of sudomi. For the majestic lure of vicory, use fresh sik and herbs to spread: wash the wounds with juice and rub lotions on rotten virazki; we infusion rinse your mouth with gingivitis and stomatitis, with bleeding is clear, cracks and cracks on the tongue, with pain in the teeth, to swell the mouth of the bath, washing and lotion with visips on the tongue. The grass of the gosling goose enters the warehouse of sumishes, from which they prepare likuval-prophylactic baths for children and grown-ups. Salads from a young leaf of the perstachu live like a dzherelo vitamin C i for the prevention of sudomi. For the majestic lure of vicory, use fresh sik and herbs to spread: wash the wounds with juice and rub lotions on rotten virazki; we infusion rinse your mouth with gingivitis and stomatitis, with bleeding is clear, cracks and cracks on the tongue, with pain in the teeth, to swell the mouth of the bath, washing and lotion with visips on the tongue. The grass of the gosling goose enters the warehouse of sumishes, from which they prepare likuval-prophylactic baths for children and grown-ups. washing and lotions with visips on the shkіrі. The grass of the gosling goose enters the warehouse of sumishes, from which they prepare likuval-prophylactic baths for children and grown-ups. washing and lotions with visips on the shkіrі. The grass of the gosling goose enters the warehouse of sumishes, from which they prepare likuval-prophylactic baths for children and grown-ups.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya .

Internally – infusion of herbs (2-4 tablespoons of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop) 1/3 bottle 3 times a day before eating;

extract of roots (1 tablespoon of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop) 2 tablespoons 4 times a day before meals;

nastіy nasіnnya (1 teaspoon of syrovin per 200 ml of water or boiled milk, boil for 5 mins) in a glass of water in the morning and in the evening;

sum (in equal measure) of fresh juice of a goose fowl with fresh juice of sown wheat, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day;

a tablespoon of sumish herbs, goose frog, peppercorn and lemon balm leaves, taken from spivvіdnoshnі 3:2: 1, insist 10 khvilin per 200 ml of okrop and drink three flasks a day for heavy menstruation;

a tablespoon of sumishi (porivnu) herbs of the goose fist, leaves of lemon balm and valerian root of likarskoy infuse 10 khvilin per 200 ml of okrop and drink a third of a bottle 3 times a day for intestinal cramps, angina pectoris and menstrual pain;

2 tablespoons of sumish herb goose grass, garden rue) and polyna hot, fruits of yalіvtsyu zvichaynogo, taken from spіvvіdnoshnі 2:2:3:3, pour 500 ml of water, boil 5 khvilin, cool, cool and drink 400 ml for 5 days from the first day of menstruation with hypomenstrual syndrome;

2 teaspoons of sumish (polyvnu) herbs of the goose finger and the tree of zvichay, the root of valerian likarskoy infuse until chilled in a glass of okrop, treat and drink 400 ml on the day from the first day of menstruation until the end of the menstruation;

a tablespoon of sumish (polyvnu) herbs of goose finger, wood of marvelous and marvelous purity and flowers of chamomile are infused with 200 ml of okrop until chilled, treated and drunk 1 sachet of dwice per day with pathological menopause;

lettuce: trim the leaves of the goose, sorrel and salt the cibules, add otstu, zmishati, season with tops, add the sprinkles to the leaves of the crop (for 150 g of the young leaves, take 50 g of sorrel, 25 g of green cibulis and 20 g of tops, a krip – for relish).

Zovnishnyo – baths, washing, lotions and rinsing with infusion of herbs (4 tablespoons of syrovin per 600 ml of water, boil 5 chills, leave for 2-4 years, strain); 2 table spoons of sumish (polyvnu) herbs of goose finger and flowers of chamomile, infuse 20 quills per 1 liter of okrop, process and vicorist for douching and baths for vulvovaginitis;

ointment of wounds and cracks in the ointment (1 tablespoon of rhizomes is ointment with 1 flask of topsoil, bring to a boil on a weak fire, boil 5 quills and process, do not cool);

лікувально-профілактична ванна для дітей (дезинфікує, заспокоює, стимулює обмін речовин, лікує різні алергічні захворювання, особливо ексудативний діатез, виявляє загальнозміцнюючу дію): 150—200 г суміші трави перстачу гусячого, материнки звичайної, череди трироздільної і медунки лікарської та листя берези бородавчастоїі Sprinkle dvodomnoi, taken from spіvvіdnoshennі 5:3:5:5:3:5, pour 5 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, infuse 40-50 quilin, proceed and pour into the bath (water temperature 36—38 °, the duration of the procedure is 10-20 quills, take 1-2 times per day);

Likuvalno-professional bath for Doroslih (stimulus regulator river in organism, Viyavlyavlya nudsmiychyu di): 250 g of Sumyshi (Porivna) Hyesyatye’s grass, cropivs of the sowing, the alleys of the trillar of the birch of the brigade, the leaves of the cord of the cord. burdock spravzhnogo root with young leaves kulbabi likarsko) mix with 250 g of blue rub, pour 10 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, infuse 40-50 quilin, proceed and pour in the bath (water temperature 36-39 °, add the procedure – 20 quills, take 1-2 times per day).

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