
Name: Lilac



Well-known ornamental shrub with a height of 3-6 m or higher, sometimes a tree with a wide crown. The leaves are opposite, ovate, long-pointed at the apex, heart-shaped at the base, entire, petiolate. The flowers are purple, white or other colors, fragrant, in dense pyramidal panicles. Blooms in May.

Often bred in gardens and parks, within housing. Flowers contain phenol glycoside syringin, syringopicrin, essential oil, farnesol; bark – syringin.

Medicinal raw materials are flowers (mainly white), leaves, buds and sometimes bark.

In folk medicine, lilac is brewed as a tea or used as an infusion and drunk for malaria, diarrhea, noise in the head, stomach ulcers, cough, whooping cough, shortness of breath, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney stones, epilepsy, leucorrhea, and mixed with flowers linden – as a diaphoretic and antimalarial agent.

An infusion or tincture of lilac leaves is used as a remedy for malaria, quite widespread and recognized by some doctors, applied to festering wounds. In addition, among the people and homeopathy for rheumatism, they use inside a tincture of flowers and kidneys, and for neuralgia, an ointment from the kidneys is used externally, the bark is applied for erysipelas.

In folk medicine, flowers insist on kerosene and are rubbed with rheumatism, sciatica, apply bast to erysipelatous places.



Decoction: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry inflorescences is brewed with a glass of boiling water and drunk 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times every day.

Leaf infusion: 10 g per 200 ml; withstand 8 hours; 1 st. spoon 3 times every day.

Leaf tincture: a quarter cup of crushed leaves to 1 cup of alcohol or vodka. Dose of alcohol tincture – 20-30 drops, vodka – 50 drops 3 times every day (for malaria).

Tincture of flowers and buds for the treatment of rheumatism: prepared and used also as a tincture of leaves.

Ointment from the kidneys: 1 part of juice, condensed broth or powder to 4 parts of the base, mix thoroughly (for neuralgia).

Tincture of flowers (1: 5): pour vodka, insist 7 days and take 30 drops every day, at the same time compresses are made on the joints with this tincture when salts are deposited in the joints, and in particular on the heel spur.

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