Talaban field – yarutka field

(Brassicaceae), or Cruciferae; field gorse


Most often we perceive this plant as a weed. Indeed, it is an unwanted inhabitant in crops and gardens. Especially a lot of talaban grows in wastelands, littered places, along roads, in dry meadows. However, few people know that this plant has long been used as food, and in folk medicine it is used to treat serious diseases.

Field weed is a herbaceous annual 15-50 cm tall. The stem of the plant is erect, branched at the top. The lower leaves form a basal rosette, the stem leaves are alternate, sessile, elongated-lanceolate, toothed at the edges. The flowers are bisexual, small, regular, bloom in June-July. The fruit is a pod that ripens in July-August. The plant has a garlic smell. In Ukraine, talaban field grows throughout the territory.

The herb and fruits of the plant are used medicinally. The aerial part is harvested during flowering and dried under shelter in the open air or in attics. Seeds are collected as they mature.

Talaban leaves contain ascorbic acid (more than 470 mg%), and the seeds contain fatty oil (up to 34%), glycosides and ascorbic acid.

Preparations from the grass of the plant stop bleeding, promote the excretion of urine and sweat, act as an expectorant, astringent, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent. The seeds have tonic and strengthening properties. Infusions of the herb are used for inflammation of the ovaries and uterine cancer, for the treatment of angina pectoris and jaundice. These products reduce the acidity of gastric juice, stimulate male sexual function, and activate the menstrual cycle. Crushed leaves of

applied to wounds and ulcers. Warts are removed with juice from fresh grass. Traditional healers prescribe talaban seeds for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and diabetes.

The leaves of the basal rosette are used as food. They have a characteristic sharp taste and garlic smell. Salads are made from fresh leaves, they are added to soups and soups, and they are also stored as a reserve. The calorie content of the green mass of the plant is not lower than that of rutabaga and cabbage.

The fatty oil obtained from the seeds is edible.

Herbal infusion. 1-1.5 tablespoons of herbs per 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for 4 hours. in a closed vessel, filter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day.

Fruit and leaf powder. 0.3 g 4 times a day.

WARNING! The use of a decoction of the field talaban grass is contraindicated during pregnancy (it has an abortifacient effect).

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